Strangulation: Signs, Symptoms, and What to Do
Strangulation can cause serious internal injuries that may not show immediate symptoms. These injuries can worsen within the first 72 hours, so it’s important to monitor your condition closely during this time. Stay with someone you trust for the first 24 hours so they can help watch for any changes.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, seek medical care immediately or call 911:
- Difficulty breathing
- Trouble swallowing
- Swelling in the neck
- Throat pain
- Hoarseness or changes in your voice
- Blurred vision
- Severe or persistent headaches
- Seizures
- Vomiting
- Persistent cough
Even if symptoms seem mild at first, strangulation can cause life-threatening injuries that need medical attention. Don’t wait—get help right away.
Strangulation Brochures in English and Spanish
Community Crisis Center gratefully acknowledges Alliance for HOPE International for allowing us to reproduce the information about strangulation on this site.
For more information about domestic violence and strangulation you can visit, Alliance for HOPE International