Is this abuse?
Intimate partner violence is a pattern of harmful behaviors used to gain power and control over another person. It can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. Abuse can take many forms, including:
- Verbal or emotional abuse
- Financial control
- Physical or sexual violence
- Stalking
Is Your Relationship Unhealthy or Abusive?
It’s not always easy to recognize abuse, especially when warning signs appear gradually over time. Ask yourself if your partner:
- Dismisses or invalidates your feelings
- Accuses you of flirting or being unfaithful
- Blames you for their actions or anger
- Controls or limits your access to money
- Pressures or forces you into sexual activity
- Criticizes or belittles your choices and actions
- Makes all decisions in the relationship
- Displays unpredictable or explosive anger
- Physically restrains, pushes, or hits you